Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
Catechetical Sunday - The celebration of Catechetical Sunday is September 18. The 2022 theme is “This is my body given for you.” The purpose of Catechetical Sunday is to call forth catechists to be commissioned for their ministry. Catechetical Sunday is also a wonderful opportunity to reflect on the role that each person plays, by virtue of Baptism, in handing on the faith and being a witness to the Gospel. The celebration is a rededication of ourselves to the mission of passing on the faith as a parish community. A prayer service for Catechetical Sunday is available at
Catechist Days - The Office for Catholic Education is hosting a workshop on the Ministry of Catechesis at various locations in the diocese. This workshop is designed to introduce the ministry of catechesis and its role in the life of the parish as well as an opportunity to learn about skills for teaching the faith. The target audience are new catechists with no teaching experience and veteran catechists who would like to learn new skills for passing on the faith. Specific time and location information for each session is listed on the Catechist Days website: To host a workshop in your parish, contact Kyle Holtgrave, director for catechesis, at (217) 698-8500, ext. 154 or email .
Catechesis for People with Special Needs - The Xavier Society for the Blind is taking requests for our 2023 braille pocket calendar which includes US/Canadian public holidays, Saints' days, and Pope Francis' monthly intentions. If you are a braille reader and would like to request one, please e-mail our Client Services Coordinator Saul Buchalter at
Preparing for Confirmation - A reminder about The website has information and videos explaining why the sacrament is at Cathedral, what children can expect that day, why parents see the value in the trip to Cathedral, a video series explaining the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit that is good for both parents and children, and other resources. Please utilize these as you prepare children for the sacrament and their trip to Springfield.
Book Orders - Parishes can receive a 35% discount off of titles listed by Liturgy Training Publications by placing their orders through the Office for Divine Worship and the Catechumenate. Please use this form when submitting an order:
Sexual Harassment Awareness Training - Many paid staff have been trying to complete the training provided by CMG. If a user has problems completing the training, please have them seek assistance using the “Support” Button on the CMG website.
Job openings - The Curia is currently hiring! Open positions are for a Controller and a Programming Coordinator for the Office for Vocations. Job postings can be found at
CRS Global Fellows - Looking for an inspiring Catholic speaker? Through Catholic Relief Services' (CRS) Global Fellows program, a priest or deacon will come to your parish, at no cost, and bring stories of faith to life. These speakers can deliver engaging homilies during weekend liturgies, give presentations to parishioners at a parish event, and keep students engaged during a school event. Their witness describes the good work the Catholic Church is doing alongside the world's most vulnerable people. If you're interested in having a Global Fellow visit your parish or school contact Donna Moore, Office for the Missions: 217-321-1161.
Season of Stewardship LAST CALL - Season of Stewardship Materials are now PAST DUE. If your parish has not signed up for the Season of Stewardship (parish mailings delivered the week of October 31st) please do so by clicking here: SPECIAL NOTE: Bishop Paprocki highlighted the Season of Stewardship and the expectation that parishes will participate in a stewardship discernment effort of some kind each year. Bishop Paprocki provided a great reflection on stewardship in his last Catholic Times article: Catholic Times e-Edition
Parish Database Focus Group - If you are interested in participating in a Parish Database Focus Group, please fill out this form: If you have any questions, please contact Rachel Langdon at
International Catholic Stewardship Council (ICSC) Conference Recap October 18 at 10 a.m. - click here to register:
The Parish Vitality and Mission Advancement Teams are heading to the ICSC conference the first week of October. We will come back with a wealth of tools, resources, and helpful tips for parishes and schools; you will NOT want to miss this webinar recap!
Missed the recent Stewardship Webinars? - Get a head start on your annual parish stewardship discernment process. Updates and more information at this webinar. 2022 Parish Season of Stewardship Overview and Updates: Recording click here
Do your ministries need some energy? Are your ministry leaders tired, stressed, or out of ideas? What would it look like if we jump-started the engine in your parish ministries? Check out this webinar for more. Rev-Up and GO!
Looking to network ideas with other parishes? How about learning initiatives and ideas that have worked well around our diocese? This webinar will highlight the amazing stewardship work being done in parishes of all varieties from across our diocese. Joining the webinar is Bob Zeller from Our Saviour, Jacksonville, and Megan Beheny-Bennett from Holy Family, Decatur. Parish Stewardship Panel: Recording Click Here
Annual Diocesan Respect Life Mass - This year’s annual Diocesan Respect Life Mass and prayer procession is scheduled for Saturday, October 1 at Holy Family Parish in Granite City. Bishop Paprocki will celebrate Mass at 9 a.m., followed by a prayer procession around the abortion facility in Granite City. Lunch and speaker will follow the procession.
Postal Delays - The Office for Tribunal Services has noticed a delay in the postal services in recent weeks. Mailings that used to take 2-3 days to be delivered are now sometimes taking as many as 2 weeks to be delivered. When mailing documents to the Tribunal, please keep these delays in mind and plan accordingly.