Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15


(217) 698-8500


1615 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702

Office for Divine Worship and the Catechumenate

Liturgical Norms

A liturgical or canonical norm is some written item that imposes an obligation on a person, a group of persons, a parish, a diocese, or the whole Church.  It can take the form of a canon (see the Code of Canon Law), a statute (see the National Statutes for the Catechumenate), a rubric in a ritual book, or a larger document.

Norms may be issued by the Apostolic See (by the pope himself or by a congregation with his permission), by an Episcopal Conference (for example, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops), by a provincial conference of bishops (for example, the Province of Chicago that includes the dioceses within Illinois), or even by the local diocesan bishop.

The liturgical norms in this section of the web site contain universal and local norms in force within the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.

Mass and Eucharist

Decree Implementing the Moto Proprio, Traditionis Custodes

Decree Naming Sacred Heart Church in Springfield a Non-Parochial Church

Instruction on the Custom of Blessings during Holy Communion (Dec 2020)

Liturgical Catechesis for the Instruction on the Custom of Blessings during Holy Communion

Norms for Ordinary and Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (2013 Edition)

Purification of Sacred Vessels After Holy Communion during Mass in the Diocese of Springfield (Dec 2006)

Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest

Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest [SCAP] is a second edition ritual book created and approved in 2007 by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. It may be used in an individual diocese only with the approval of the diocesan bishop. After a year and half of consultation and study, Bishop George Lucas approved in May 2009 this policy: “Using Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest in Situations When Sunday Mass Cannot Be Celebrated.” The following list of items provides not only the diocesan policy but also excepts from other papal and national documents helpful for parish preparation of ministers and catechesis of the faithful.

Memorandum from Monsignor Kemme on SCAP (September 2009)

Diocesan SCAP Policy (May 2009)

Diocesan SCAP Policy Emergency Plan I Announcement

Diocesan SCAP Policy Emergency Plan II Announcement

SCAP Bulletin Annoucement of Ministers

SCAP Reminders from Training (Dec 2009)

SCAP Bibliography

Outline of Mass and SCAP

CDW Directory for Sunday Celebrations in the Absence of a Priest (1988)

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