Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
We are thankful to our veterans who reside in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois community of the faith. It is with gratitude to the many men and women have served or are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces that we offer this website for resources and information. There are numerous agencies and non-profit organizations to help veterans and family members address medical, education, mental health, housing, employment, financial and other challenges.
Suggestions for assisting Veterans in the Parish / National Catholic Partnership on Disability
Pray for Veterans - those serving in the military, and their families
Invite the parish to learn about the physically and spiritually wounded
Create a ministry for Veterans - be aware especially of those coming home from the Reserves and National Guard
Create a parish drop-in center - a lounge for Veterans and others; create safe spaces and a ministry of hospitality and welcome
Help Veterans find jobs
Encourage those who are ready to serve in a ministry; help them find a place to belong and share their gifts on the parish
Create circles of listening
Encourage re-establishing relationship with Jesus (Veteran Retreats)
Provide ways to return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Ignation Examen)
Welcome Veterans and their families back to the table
Help Veterans navigate the VA Medical System
Connect Veterans to other Veterans
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