Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15


(217) 698-8500


1615 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702

Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries

Deaf Ministry


The mission of deaf ministry in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is to provide support and resources to the Deaf and Hard of hearing within our diocese in order to offer Catholics and those who are interested in the Catholic faith the opportunity to grow in their faith as fully participating members in their parish. The ministry also strives to support, educate and evangelize parishes in the importance of their effort to provide deaf and hard of hearing people spiritual growth in all aspects of the Church. These aspects should include: liturgy, catechesis, fellowship, prayer, and service to God and others.

  1. Assist parishes with identifying needs of Deaf and Hard of Hearing people and plans to achieve accessibility goals.
  2. Provide PSR classes to students attending Illinois School for the Deaf, Jacksonville
  3. Our primary goal is to assist Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals to realize God’s presence in their life through:
  • Signed and interpreted liturgies
  • Sacramental preparation
  • Spiritual direction
  • Retreats
  • Cursillo and group reunions
  • Arranging for interpreters for special occasions – baptisms, weddings, funerals and other events when requested


We have Deaf parishioners who have requested interpreters for Masses and special occasions within the Diocese. If you know of someone who has experience or an interest in volunteering as an interpreter for these events, please have them contact the Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries. 

© 1997-2024 Diocese of Springfield in Illinois.