Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
Parish mailing lists – This summer, please work with Cindy Callan who handles subscriptions for Catholic Times to go over the mailing list of your parishioners. Catholic Times wants to ensure all new parishioners receive the magazine and anyone who has moved away or died doesn’t keep receiving the magazine to avoid unnecessary costs. Whomever in your parish handles your mailing list, please email Cindy at letting her know that you are the contact person for this. Then, Cindy will email you the mailing list Catholic Times has on file for your parish. We then ask you to review that list Cindy sends you and to add any parishioners who are not on the list and delete anyone who is no longer an active parishioner. We understand this is can be an arduous task, but we thank you very much for helping us keep our mailing lists as accurate as possible.
Dive Deep – Do we really have free will? Scientists and theologians have debated the free will question for centuries. Hear what scientists discovered and how you can answer this question from a Catholic theological perspective in this episode of Dive Deep. Go to to listen and subscribe.
Click here to download a graphic to include in your bulletins
We want to share your great photos! – Got a great photo? Whether it’s of school life, parish life, or home life, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is wanting to promote Catholic life in action. Through Catholic Times, social media, videos, or marketing materials, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois wants to share your great photo to spread the joy diocesan-wide. Submit your photo or photos by going to
COOP Collections - As a reminder: The manner of taking up the collection for COOP Missionaries is determined by the pastor. Parishioners should make donation checks payable to the parish. The missionary should not take envelops or the funds collected from the parish, nor a list of names of contributors. Please do not publish the address of the mission organization in the bulletin. Envelopes with the groups’ mailing address are not allowed. No missionary group may employ professional soliciting agencies while making an appeal in the parishes of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. At the time of the appeal, no subscriptions to magazines or periodicals are to be promised or solicited. No child sponsorships or other relationships may be solicited. Parish bookkeeper please submit a check for the proceeds collected to the Office for the Missions within thirty (30) days of the missionary’s visit.
Biking for Babies - Biking for Babies, a pro-life organization connecting young adults with a passion for athletics to pregnancy resource centers, will bike into Springfield on July 16, 2021. All are welcome to attend their mission event at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Mass begins at 5:15 pm Mass, enjoy dinner, then cyclists will share about their approach to building a Culture of Life amidst our nation’s current war on human dignity. For more information about Biking for Babies to go: To RSVP for the event contact Vicki Compton at: 217/522-3342 or email . Biking for Babies is partnering with three pregnancy help centers within our diocese: First Step Women's Center (Springfield), Choices Pregnancy & Health (Charleston), ThriVe Metro East (Godfrey).
Faith and Justice Internship with the Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries - The Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries is offering a paid internship for Catholics. The internship is to promote the diocesan Justice and Hope program and gain experience working on behalf of those in poverty. The internship will provide opportunities to develop relationships with community leaders and reflect on Catholic social teaching. The internship starts September 2021 with an hourly rate of $14/hour. Catholics with good writing abilities, willing to speak publicly, able to drive, and who have an interest in Catholic social justice are encouraged to apply. Visit to download the application. Application and resume must be submitted by July 16th. Contact Donna Moore with any questions: , 217-321-1161.
Pre-Cana in Spanish - The Diocese of Belleville is having a Pre-Cana session in Spanish. The next Pre-Cana class for Hispanic couples is being offered October 16, 2021. If you know of any Hispanic couple that is interested in attending have them contact Carlos and Efrend Garcia at: 618-632-1755, cell phone: 618-520-3404, or .
Short Tidbit from Project Rachel: Launching and Promoting the Project Rachel Ministry: How Promoting the Project Rachel Ministry – Making the public aware of this ministry is crucial to its success. Without sustained publicity the ministry will not flourish. More importantly, those in great need of healing and reconciliation with God may continue to live in alienation and despair, unaware of the forgiveness and grace Jesus makes possible through his Church. Diocesan priests should be encouraged to preach about God’s love and mercy and to speak about the presence of Project Rachel in the diocese. (PR Manual pg 61)
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - There will be a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for people affected by abortion August 13-15, at the Villa Maria Retreat Center. Please let others know about this healing opportunity. Scholarships are available for those not able to pay the full registration fee. A flyer is available at the following link:
Religious Freedom Celebration - Religious Freedom Week, June 22-29, 2021
World Refugee Day - World Refugee Day is recognized on Sunday, June 20, 2021. Here’s a link to a tool kit with ideas on how acknowledge the day and make others aware of the plight of refugees. The toolkit has sample talking points, suggested intentions for Mass, a social media kit and suggestions on writing a letter to an editor.