Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
Job Opening at Springfield Catholic Charities: Community Services Supervisor - Springfield Catholic Charities has a full-time opening for Community Services Supervisor. Visit to view more information about the position, including qualifications and how to apply.
Job Opening at Springfield Catholic Charities: Office Manager - Springfield Catholic Charities has a full-time opening for an Office Manager. Visit to view more information about the position, including qualifications and how to apply.
Last Call! Parish Confession times needed – Catholic Times plans to run a special edition about Confession this summer. Please fill out this form with your Confession times so Catholic Times can include that in the special edition: Please submit it by June 18.
Dive Deep – How fostering works and the surprising joys it brings: There can be negative associations with fostering. Dive Deep sits down with a Petersburg couple that explains the fostering process, why all those negative things you hear about are not only not true, and how fostering has shaped their lives for the better. Go to to listen and subscribe.
Click here to download a graphic to include in your bulletins
We want to share your great photos! – Got a great photo? Whether it’s of school life, parish life, or home life, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is wanting to promote Catholic life in action. Through Catholic Times, social media, videos, or marketing materials, the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois wants to share your great photo to spread the joy diocesan-wide. Submit your photo or photos by going to
LTP Annuals - Order at Discount - Liturgy Training Publications [LTP] has many of the annual publications ready for shipping. Go to Scroll to “LTP Annuals Order Form” at the bottom of the webpage to download the form and follow the directions for submitting your saved electronic form.
Minimum Wage Increases in your Budgets! - Don't forget to account for the next minimum wage increase in your FY 2021-2022 budgets! The minimum wage will increase from $11 to $12 on January 1, 2022.
Job Opening at the Catholic Pastoral Center: Parish Finance Administrator - The Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is seeking a highly qualified and enthusiastic individual to take on the role of Parish Finance Administrator. This role assists the Finance Officer in organizational management by interpreting and utilizing parish managerial accounting and financial information. This position oversees support of parishes through supervising parish audits, developing finance policies, establishing internal controls for parishes, and executing an accounting review program. More information including requirements and how to apply can be found at
Tips for Successful Missionary Visit - Missionaries from the Cooperative Mission Program (Co-Op) will be visiting our parishes soon. Here are some tips to have a successful missionary visit:
Qvinci basics Live Webinar with Katie - Join Katie on a live webinar to cover Qvinci basics and to learn about resources and tips for a successful transition into a new way of parish giving toward the mission and ministries of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. These meetings are helpful to parish administrators, however all are welcome!
Season of Stewardship Resources - The Season of Stewardship is an opportunity for your parishioners to discern their stewardship commitments and renew their commitment to living a stewardship way of life. It is an annual discernment process that enables parishes to encourage stewardship and invites new energy and enthusiasm into current ministries. If your parish is interested in receiving FREE RESOURCES toward this effort, please fill out the form below so we can begin the planning process for October. FREE resources include:
Sign up here:
Parish Community Tithe Resources or Training - We are beginning to transition to the Parish Community Tithe supporting the Diocesan ministries this July 2021. Are you looking for resources or training? We have resources and support for you!
Biking for Babies - Biking for Babies, a pro-life organization connecting young adults with a passion for athletics to pregnancy resource centers, will bike into Springfield on July 16, 2021. All are welcome to attend their mission event at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. Mass begins at 5:15 pm Mass, enjoy dinner, then cyclists will share about their approach to building a Culture of Life amidst our nation’s current war on human dignity. For more information about Biking for Babies to go: To RSVP for the event contact Vicki Compton at: 217/522-3342 or email . Biking for Babies is partnering with three pregnancy help centers within our diocese: First Step Women's Center (Springfield), Choices Pregnancy & Health (Charleston), ThriVe Metro East (Godfrey).
Faith and Justice Internship with the Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries - The Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries is offering a paid internship for Catholics. The internship is to promote the diocesan Justice and Hope program and gain experience working on behalf of those in poverty. The internship will provide opportunities to develop relationships with community leaders and reflect on Catholic social teaching. The internship starts September 2021 with an hourly rate of $14/hour. Catholics with good writing abilities, willing to speak publicly, able to drive, and who have an interest in Catholic social justice are encouraged to apply. Visit to download the application. Application and resume must be submitted by July 16th. Contact Donna Moore with any questions: , 217-321-1161.
Pre-Cana in Spanish - The Diocese of Belleville is having a Pre-Cana session in Spanish. The next Pre-Cana class for Hispanic couples is being offered October 16, 2021. If you know of any Hispanic couple that is interested in attending have them contact Carlos and Efrend Garcia at: 618-632-1755, cell phone: 618-520-3404, or .
Short Tidbit from Project Rachel: Launching and Promoting the Project Rachel Ministry: Once priests, professionals, and volunteers have been trained and the ministry is ready to function, offer a special Mass to pray for those wounded by abortion and to publicly announce that help is available. Ideally, the bishop will celebrate this Mass and preach about God’s love and desire to heal the wounds of abortion. This is an opportunity to invite people from throughout the diocese and to invite the press. The media are often very interested in this ministry because it runs counter to what they expect from the Church. The media assumes that the Church condemns both the sin and the sinner and are surprised that the Church offers pastoral care to those who have suffered the impacts of abortion. (PR Manual pg 61)
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat - There will be a Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat for people affected by abortion August 13-15, at the Villa Maria Retreat Center. Please let others know about this healing opportunity. Scholarships are available for those not able to pay the full registration fee. A flyer is available at the following link:
Religious Freedom Celebration - Religious Freedom Week, June 22-29, 2021
World Refugee Day - World Refugee Day is recognized on Sunday, June 20, 2021. Here’s a link to a tool kit with ideas on how acknowledge the day and make others aware of the plight of refugees. The toolkit has sample talking points, suggested intentions for Mass, a social media kit and suggestions on writing a letter to an editor.