Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
PSR submissions from each parish/school needed - Catholic Times is accepting PSR articles or photos for its annual PSR issue (which will be in September to time with Catechetical Sunday, but asking for information now before this PSR school year ends). We invite parishes to submit either a PSR article (300 words or less) about your program or a good story or a PSR photo with short caption by May 21 using the online form: Photos should be 300 dpi or better and sent as image files (such as .jpeg or .pdf). Please do not imbed the photo in a Word document. For articles, include your parish name, town, as well as the author. For questions, call (217) 698-8500, ext. 118, or outside of Springfield (800) 677-8708.
New Catholics in your parish - If your parish welcomed new Catholics to the Church at the Easter Vigil — and those people were not listed in the Easter edition of Catholic Times — please email the names of the individuals and the parish and deanery to by April 14. We will run a list of those names in May.
It’s time… welcome back to Mass - Bishop Thomas John Paprocki announced that, effective April 11, the general dispensation from the obligation to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days will be modified to be limited to the following groups: Those 65 years of age or older; Those at risk for severe illness due to underlying medical conditions as described by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Those who care for the sick, homebound, or infirmed; Those women who are pregnant; Those who cannot be accommodated at Mass because the church was at safe-distancing capacity. Those who are sick or came in contact with someone with COVID-19/flu are obligated to stay home and are therefore excused. All other Catholics not in those categories in the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois are obligated to attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation, effective April 11, beginning with the Saturday anticipated Masses the evening before. Answers to questions can be found at
Dive Deep - Running for a Higher Purpose: Eight steps to spiritual and physical fitness – that’s the theme of Bishop Thomas John Paprocki’s new book, Running for a Higher Purpose, now available for purchase at Perfect for runners, Bishop Paprocki joins Dive Deep to explain why the book may be exactly what you need to give your spiritual and physical well-being a boost. Go to to listen and to register to win a free, signed copy of the book!
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Building the Kingdom, One House at a Time - SPRINGFIELD DEANERY CHECK THIS OUT! Build # 114, the Catholic Build, is moving right along! Spring weather is challenging and occasionally volunteer days will be changed, extended or re-scheduled. Check the Habitat VolunteerHub website to see opportunities that are available, knowing that there is a possibility that the schedule might change. As always, food provision is an important part of a build site. If you are available to assist with food provision or being a Site Host (check volunteers in and out of the build site), please contact Susan Carrigan, or 217-523-2710, ext. 213
Click here to download a graphic to include in your bulletins
Diocesan Women of Distinction Celebration - The Springfield in Illinois Diocesan Council of Catholic Women (S.D.C.C.W.) is pleased to announce the Tenth Annual “Women of Distinction” Celebration on Saturday, June 5. This celebration honors one woman from each parish in the Springfield Diocese for her service to God, parish, and community. Your honoree does not need to belong to any parish women’s group. There are no selection rules. By this recognition, you are honoring one lady who represents all the women in your parish.
Mass begins at 10 a.m. celebrated by Bishop Paprocki at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield. Your parish priests and deacons may join Bishop Paprocki in celebrating the Mass. At the end of the Mass, the Bishop will present each honoree with a WOD Certificate. In addition to the 2021 honorees, this celebration will include the 2020 Women of Distinction. We already have the names of the 2020 honorees. The Cathedral will accommodate “in person” seating for honorees, guests, etc. and provide “streaming” for the Women of Distinction Celebration.
In order that your 2021 honoree’s name appear in the program booklet, the registration form must be received by April 26. Please send your parish registration form to Janet Zimmerman by April 26. Email: or by mail: 1213 Mildred Court; Springfield, IL 62712
Resource – Monthly Pro-Life Intercessions and Bulletin Quotes - April’s edition of Word of Life is now available. Word of Life is a monthly resource for parishes. The resource is available in both English and Spanish, in both PDF or Microsoft Word formats. Each monthly issue contains information such as: intercessions for life, quotes for your bulletin, and art for your bulletin, webpage or Facebook page. The following link will direct you to the webpage that lists all current and past editions of this resource -
Faith and Justice Internship with the Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries - The Office for Pro-Life Activities and Special Ministries is offering a paid internship for Catholics. The internship is to promote the diocesan Justice and Hope program and gain experience working on behalf of those in poverty. The internship will provide opportunities to develop relationships with community leaders and reflect on Catholic social teaching. The internship is from September 2021 to May 2022 with an hourly rate of $14/hour. Catholics with good writing abilities, willing to speak publicly, able to drive, and who have an interest in Catholic social justice are encouraged to apply. Visit to download the application. Application and resume must be submitted by April 19th. Contact Donna Moore with any questions: , 217-321-1161.
Repeal of Parental Notification of Abortion Law - Our bishops have written a letter to the Catholic faithful, urging them to take action against the repeal of the parental notice of abortion law. The Diocesan Pro-Life Resource page contains the letter from the Bishops in English, Spanish and Polish, along with a way to identify one’s lawmakers, and other resources. Please urge your parishioners to contact their lawmaker and tell them to vote “No” on House Bill 1797 and Senate Bill 2190. If the law is repealed it will eliminate a critical safeguard that protects young girls from abuse of human traffickers and rapists.
Short Tidbit from Project Rachel: The Diocese: Project Rachel and Related Programs: – How to Begin (or Strengthen) a Project Rachel Ministry in Your Diocese – Screening Volunteers and Staff: Below is a checklist of discernment questions for people who are interested in volunteering or who will answer the Project Rachel telephone line:
Freedom from Fear women's retreat - What are you fearful of? Is something holding you back? How often do you turn to God when you face something fearful in your life? Women needing a spiritual boost during such an uncertain time and anxiety filled world are in luck as the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois is hosting “Freedom from Fear,” a women’s overnight retreat May 1-2.
The retreat, led by Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George and other women will include presentations, group discussions, personal prayer, reflection time, Mass, Confession, and Adoration. Participants will experience silence and prayer, laughter, and maybe even some tears! The goal is for women to leave refreshed, inspired, and confident to trust God to continue to help them experience freedom from fear in every aspect of their lives.
The “Freedom from Fear” retreat begins Saturday, May 1 at 9:00 a.m. and concludes Sunday, May 2 at 11:00 a.m. at the Villa Maria Retreat Center in Springfield (1903 East Lake Shore Drive). The cost is $135 and includes lodging, meals, bottomless coffee/tea, and materials. An optional Friday night stay (April 30) is also available for an additional $50. Go to to register. The retreat is limited to 20 people.
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Totus Tuus Parish Registration - We have only 1 opening left for Totus Tuus summer program for 2021! If you would like to register your parish or learn more about Totus Tuus please visit