Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15


(217) 698-8500


1615 W. Washington St., Springfield, IL 62702

Office for the Missions

"CRS Rice Bowl is Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program for families and faith communities in the United States who want to put their faith into action. Through CRS Rice Bowl, participants are invited to hear stories about their brothers and sisters in need around the world, and devote their Lenten prayers, fasting and alms to change the lives of those who suffer in poverty. Participants journey through the 40 days of Lent with a collection of daily reflections and activities included in the CRS Rice Bowl calendar."

For more information visit the CRS FAQ webpage Rice Bowl: Frequently Asked Questions

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Have you been filling your rice bowl this Lent?
To assist with turning in your rice bowl collection, you can make your donation by clicking the button below.


Donation Form for Online Giving

CRS Rice Bowl is sponsored by the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois and Catholic Relief Services (CRS).  This Lenten program is conducted in Catholic parishes throughout the entire diocese.  75% of the funds received are used for international relief and development projects and 25% of funds received are distributed within the diocese for food programs and other relief efforts that address the root-cause-of poverty.


The 2021 Rice Bowl final report is due by December 30, 2022 If your grant is complete and haven't already done so, please mail the final report to:  Office for the Missions, Attn: Rice Bowl, 1615 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL 62702  2021 FINAL REPORT (fillable form here)

The 2020 Rice Bowl final report was due by December 30, 2021, based on previous grant guidelines.  If you haven't already done so, please mail the final report to:  Office for the Missions, Attn: Rice Bowl, 1615 West Washington Street, Springfield, IL 62702    2020 FINAL REPORT (fillable form here)   

 2021 Catholic Relief Services Rice Bowl Grants awarded! Watch for the 2022 Grantees which will be published this summer.

crs-rice-bowl-logoEach Lent, Catholics in this diocese participate in Catholic Relief Services' Rice Bowl program which calls for them to pray together, fast in solidarity with those who hunger, learn about global hunger and poverty and convert our sacrifices into gifts for those in need. We rejoice that our efforts allow our diocese to assist those who hunger and thirst for nourishment of body and soul in their every day lives. 25% of the funds collected in our parishes are available for distribution to organizations within our diocesan borders that work to feed the hungry and to reduce the root causes of hunger.

Thanks to your generosity the following organizations received CRS Rice Bowl Grants in  2021:

  • Blessings in a Backpack, Ashland: Backpack Program
  • Bond County Senior Citizen Center, Inc., Greenville : Food Pantry
  • Christian Women's Fellowship, Virginia: Summer(2022) Lunch Program
  • Loami Area Community Food Pantry, Loami
  • Mt. Olive Care Center, Mt. Olive: Kids Cafe Summer Feeding Program
  • St. Mary Church, Paris: St. Mary Food Pantry
  • St. Vincent dePaul, Mattoon: Food Voucher Program
  • Blessed Trinity and St. Francis of Assisi of Calhoun County: St. Vincent dePaul Society Food Pantry
  • Staunton Helping Hands Center, Staunton: Staunton Food Pantry

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