Mon - Thurs: 8:00 - 5:15
(217) 698-8500
Imagine your child is on a sports team, and their team advances to the championship game, which takes place three hours away. How would you react? You likely would be thrilled and celebrate! You would enthusiastically book a hotel room, pack up your car, maybe even take a vacation day or two, deal with the traffic and travel headaches, and stand there excited and proud as your child plays in the championship game and in the big-time stadium.
Your child receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and First Holy Communion is that spiritual championship game for him or her. The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Springfield is that big-time stadium. Traveling to the Mother Church of our diocese for your child to be sealed with the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit through Confirmation (wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord) and receive Jesus wholly and entirely present in the Eucharist (the source and summit of our faith) for the first time, is really one of the most important days for their relationship with God. The Cathedral, as the Mother Church of our diocese, is a local symbol of our universal faith. So, it is perfectly fitting for the occasion and will help provide a powerful and spiritually uplifting experience for everyone.